I know everything about COVID has put an unbelievable amount of stress on our communities. I continue to have confidence in our communities, our Triad staff, and student’s desire to be doing everything within their power to remain in school. I must emphasize this continues to require everyone’s help. Please re-double your efforts to stay safe and keep your families safe by wearing a mask when in public, practicing social distancing and proper hygiene while avoiding large social gatherings, something we know is a great sacrifice as we enter into the holiday season.
As students get ready to report to school for our final days before Thanksgiving, we would like to re-emphasize the importance of completing a self-health screening. If you suspect that your child has come into close contact with someone who has COVID-19 and/or is showing COVID signs/symptoms, please keep your child home and contact the school. We appreciate your attention to establish this safety protocol as part of your daily routine and encourage you to continue efforts to maintain a safe in-person learning environment for everyone. Families and secondary students must do the following:
Use the tile labeled “Wellness Screening” within the Skyward portal daily to certify that students are ready to report to school and do not exhibit new-onset symptoms related to COVID-19;
Stay home if he or she has come in close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 or someone who has tested and waiting on results;
Stay home if he or she tested positive in the past 14 days;
Families or students who have not already downloaded the Skyward app through their mobile app store on their iPhone or Android phone are encouraged to do so. Once launched, search for the student account by associating with the district name: Triad CUSD#2.
In recent weeks, our region has continued to see a rise in the number of positive cases. This rise in positive cases results in the identification of close contacts who must quarantine. A high number of quarantined individuals have had an effect on the district’s ability to operate. While we have been fortunate with our mitigation efforts in our schools, the ripple effect from community spread is now becoming problematic as we are facing the daily challenge of providing enough staff to operate our schools.
We continue to evaluate the status and format for in-person instruction based on metrics from the health departments, the number of current student COVID-19 cases within the schools, and the availability of staff. The possibility remains that we could shift our learning plan format at any time. If that decision is made, it will be based on one of two reasons: 1) The district does not have adequate staff to operate school safely, or 2) The district has evidence of COVID 19 transmission within our schools.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of our Triad team members, families, and students who are working to maintain a safe, in-person learning environment for everyone. We understand the importance of in-person learning and will strive to provide it as long as we can safely do so.